Members of Aspire’s Therap super admin team, including Jen Peck, Oren Elliott, Nahshon Smith and Dawn Meade headed to Denver to attend this year’s Therap Conference! They shared their ideas and experience with other Therap users from around the country, and gained helpful insights to make the electronic record application an increasingly effective tool. 

One of the highlights of the conference was Jen presenting on Aspire’s “Therap Re-boot,” which has taken place over the last two years to streamline the standards and methods on how Therap is used within the organization. 

In the past, each state had its own way of using Therap based on its state-specific regulations. In Jen’s presentation, she demonstrated how the different criteria were combined to create a unified standard to ensure that support meets all regulations, regardless of which state the provider is in. As a result, it’s easier and more efficient to provide and track progress. 

To maintain the unified standard throughout Aspire, employee resources needed to be updated. Jen explained how everything from policies and procedures to training curriculum and helpful how-to’s were updated. With these unified resources, everyone is now able to be on the same page when it comes to providing quality support. 

But it wasn’t enough to simply update the materials available to employees. Jen walked the audience through the process Aspire went through to reeducate employees and get them up to speed, which included four training courses per module, a grace period to let employees get used to new procedures, and audits to make sure the transition goes as planned.  

Jen rounded out the presentation by showing the process is ongoing, and that based on what we’ve learned, we’re excited to implement the re-boot into every module Aspire uses in Therap. 

Jen said that after the presentation, many other multi-state organizations were inspired and eager to learn more. 

“There were a bunch of organizations that came up to us afterward and said, ‘Oh my gosh, we’ve been trying to do this, and you gave us really good ideas,” Jen said. “It felt awesome that as a result of all of the work that we did, other people wanted it too, that they thought it was a great idea, and that they could relate to it as well.” 

The conference was not only a great chance to network with new faces, but also an opportunity to catch up with other organizations that Aspire currently collaborates with throughout the year to share best practices and learn how we can improve. 

“We would just pull someone aside and say, ‘Can I pick your brain?’,” Jen said.  

Therap shared with conference goers the new things they are rolling out, from the training management system and behavior module, to Therap Connect, which Aspire was selected to pilot last year. It utilizes technology to automatically record data into Therap, like sleep patterns, weight and blood oxygen saturation.  

Jen said the exciting opportunities are too plentiful to count, and she can’t wait to get started. New features continue to be implemented to enhance the quality of support to those we serve. 

“I feel like we come away from this conference wanting to do everything,” Jen said.  

The inspiration taken from the conference will be invaluable in continuing to innovate and improve not only how we use Therap, but how Aspire supports the people we serve.

News, Thought Leadership

Aspire Presents Therap Re-boot at the 2024 Therap Conference