Welcome Back, Connecticut!

After nearly a year, community-based day services in CT returned to the community in March. Everything from exercise to baking to making things is on the agenda. People are eager to get back to restaurants, volunteering, and their other favorite activities. For now, they are eating and exercising outside in the good weather and staying safe at the program site.

Many folks are back at the craft table, and loving it. Barbara recently joined Aspire and is hitting her stride since the re-opening, “I love it. I feel good.” Several women have a long tradition of making pottery, blankets, holiday ornaments, special gifts, and wreaths. One likes to sew pot holders together, and she’s making them into a pillow cover.

Easter was extra special this year because of the long time apart for these friends. With help from their DSP Courtney, they went full speed on decorations and cards to celebrate the holiday. The beautiful creations these talented women are producing again are more than just signs of spring. They plan to start selling their wares again once craft fairs are open.

Social distancing and masking are still in place, but that hasn’t stopped folks from making the most of their day. Aspire has re-opened our sites, but spread smaller groups out across the buildings to make sure there’s plenty of space and good ventilation for everyone. Regardless of location, communication and choicemaking are still an important focus of the program.

DSP Courtney and Program Manager Jackie can see that everyone is grateful for the return to some normalcy. At the same time, everyone is deservedly proud of the work they did to set up services at people’s homes. The day staff went into the homes to make sure people had meaningful ways to spend their days. The extended time at home gave DSPs and individuals a chance to get know each other really well and try new ideas. They thought of ways to continue helping others. Back in February, they made valentines to bring some cheer to residents of a local nursing home. Jackie reports the time together made them all closer.


Connecticut Community-Based Day Services Re-Open