Hello Aspire Community,
It’s November, the month of giving thanks. I must say that even though we have much to be thankful for, it becomes hard to feel that way when we live during a time in the world when there is much to feel bad, sad, or angry about. Every day, we hear another story about people treating each other poorly, another example of a huge injustice, of debilitating inequity. We hear about wars being waged, and we hear too many examples of how our so-called leaders let us down through their selfish or self-serving behavior. We are still weary of COVID-19 and worry that it might happen again. Our communities and the world are getting more complex, volatile, and unpredictable.
However, we have each other. We have those we love and those we care for; we have those who love and care for us. We have our work. We have our play. We have the “small things” that happen to us and for us on a daily – even hourly – basis. We cannot individually solve the problems of a complex world, but as individuals, we can be intensely aware of the wonderful events, the wonderful people, and the miraculous ways that we constantly show up for and support each other. This is what we can wholeheartedly be thankful for – each other.
David Whyte says, “Thankfulness finds its full measure in generosity of presence, both through participation and witness. We sit at the table as part of every other person’s world while making our own world without will or effort; this is what is extraordinary and gifted, this is the essence of gratefulness….. Thanksgiving happens when our sense of presence meets all other presences.”
Let’s treat each other well. Let’s treat each other with kindness and open our hearts to each other. Let’s ask each other, “How can I help you today?” Let’s be there for each other. Our presence is a gift, and it is this giving of presence that we should be thankful for. We have power over how we show up and be present. Let’s, through love and caring in our everyday interactions with each other, be the butterflies who, through the flapping of our wings, change the world.
The work we do at Aspire is difficult. Those who are cynical say it is a thankless job. I disagree. I believe we thank each other each and every day that we show up. I thank you for the extraordinary work you do. In this season of giving thanks, I want to tell you that I am very thankful for my two families. I give thanks for my spouse and children, and I give thanks to you, the Aspire family. Take some time during this Thanksgiving season to think about how we are present for each other, and be aware of the smile I guarantee it will bring to your face.
All the best,