Hello Aspire Community,

It is December and another year has come to an end. We are at a time in the calendar when the days are short, we protect ourselves from the cold, and we begin to think about the spring. This time of year is simply a part of the continuing cycle of the earth. Despite the darkness, it is also a time of joy and celebration, a time of light and warmth. We celebrate holidays with families and friends, and we celebrate the accomplishments we have achieved throughout the year. We reflect on all that has grown within us and what has grown outside of us which we had an important role in building.

I spend a lot of time reflecting during this time of year. I am constantly amazed, proud, and very thankful for all that we at Aspire have accomplished over the last year. I hope you will keep these individual and collective accomplishments in mind during this time of celebration.

Another word connected to this time of year is joy. Although we have feelings of joy throughout the year, this season has a tendency to amplify it. We feel the joy that comes as a byproduct of connection and relationship. We feel joy that we are part of something that is greater than ourselves, whether that be our families, our communities, or Aspire. I once read that “joy is practiced generosity” – how beautiful. Being generous, the giving of ourselves to others we love and care about, is an act of joy. Joy cannot exist by itself within us. It is always connected to others outside of us. It makes us forget about just ourselves and brings others closer to us.

Giving, joy, celebration, generosity, relationship, and connectedness.

I wish you all the best during this time of celebration and joy. I am lifted by your generosity and the giving of yourselves every day to those we serve. I hope you are also lifted and made warm by your collective generosity.



News, Thought Leadership

A Time of Joy