Aspire Living & Learning is pleased to announce that the Adelard A. and Valeda Lea Roy Foundation has awarded a grant of $4,000 to Aspire to offset the costs of installing back-up generators in their Massachusetts residences for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The installation came just in time for four people living in one of those homes when the historic holiday storm took out their power.

“Because of the new generator, they were able to stay in their home and get the support they need for their activities and their health. Last year, we had to evacuate their home when the power went out, and they didn’t sleep at all. It was really hard on them. I want to thank the Foundation for helping them have a safe, happy holiday,” said Francis Kusi Appiah, program manager for the Leominster residence.

Residential services are funded through the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the Medicaid program. However, the established rates for these services don’t cover the cost of critical improvements such as generators. Aspire and other nonprofits serving people with intellectual and developmental disabilities count on donors to help fulfill their mission.

“We are grateful to the Adelard A. and Valeda Lea Roy Foundation’s generous support for this project,” said Lou Giramma, Aspire CEO. “Without generators, vulnerable individuals experience enormous disruption during power outages. The people we serve have complex needs that are difficult to meet in shelters or emergency placements.”


About Aspire Living & Learning
Aspire Living & Learning is a private, non-profit human service and educational organization, serving individuals in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Maryland. We provide services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, supporting them to live full lives in their communities.

Media Contact: Judy Stermer | 802.505.0699 |


Grant for Generator Proves Essential in Winter Storm